New Year for many means new Health Insurance. Health Insurance open enrollment has ended, and we can help you figure out how much of your insurance will pay for Physical Therapy and/or Occupational Therapy at CardioFlex in Davie, Fl.
CardioFlex Therapy accepts most health insurance companies, like Simply Healthcare, WellCare health insurance, Devoted Health, and Medicare just to name a few. Our Physical Therapy facility has received the new Ambetter Insurance guidelines and, in our opinion, one of the best in the Marketplace today. Their plans are designed to deliver high quality, locally-based healthcare services to its members.
Recent news coverage about the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace can be confusing. It’s important to know that your Ambetter coverage is still in effect. No matter which plan in Ambeter you choose, you can count on access to high-quality Physical Therapy care like ours.
You deserve to get the most out of your health insurance plan. And since we believe that nothing is more important than your health and any Physical Therapy that may be prescribed to you, CardioFlex Therapy in Davie works diligently to ensure you do, in fact, get the most benefits when you visit us. We work with insurance companies to ensure we are considered a priority for many circumstances, to be within network, to have the lowest deductibles possible offered to you, our patients. You will be surprised to hear many insurance companies and insurance plans do not require a referral to visit a Physical Therapist, or will have low deductibles or copays when you want to see your physical therapist.

CardioFlex Therapy in Davie, Fl. has become a leader in their field, also offering in-home visits for Physical and Occupational Therapy for those patients who are not able to find transportation or have movement limitations. Our Physical Therapy team, consisting of several experienced therapists, has been carefully and selectively assembled over the past few years. We’ve made it a commitment to hiring only the best therapists, who have different specializations to add to our diverse therapy group. Our staff is highly regarded throughout the Physical Therapy community and has had tremendous success in treating patients and producing positive outcomes.
Most insurance plans, including Medicare, workers’ compensation, and private insurers, pay for Physical Therapy services that are medically necessary and that are provided by or under the direction and supervision of a Physical Therapist. CardioFlex Therapy outpatient clinic in Davie, Florida is operated by President and Director Terry Abrams. At CardioFlex Therapy, we’ve gotten great results from treating patients with a variety of conditions specialized in Orthopedics, Neurological Disorders, Vertigo & Vestibular Rehab, Sports Injury, Neck & Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Elbow & Wrist Pain, Hip & Knee pain, Ankle & Foot Pain, TMJ & Headaches. At CardioFlex Therapy we understand your special needs no matter how complex the Physical Therapy you need, all our Physical Therapists and Technicians are highly trained to adapt to you. Read more about the Physical Therapy Specialized Programs CardioFlex Therapy offers.
We also serve our Military workers and their families who are on active duty, reserve duty or retired from the service. There are specific health benefits program for all seven uniformed services: the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Read more in our article:
To learn more about what health insurance companies CardioFlex Therapy offers, read our articles here: . Call our Physical Therapy outpatient clinic in Davie Florida for detailed information on what your insurance will cover, and a free phone consultation at 954.693.9090. You may also want to visit our In-Home Services page. We serve Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties for your convenience.